Shedding my straight white maleness

Matt Kuenzel
Oct 21, 2024


Dear friends and family,

As of today I wish to be known as Fatima Mishuga Al-Mohammed Shlomo.

Furthermore I renounce the labels “male” and “straight” and “white”.

I am embarking on a period of exploration, a critical self-analysis of my identity including all facets of my personhood.

I feel that a non-binary gender identification is a more fluid construct in which to live my life outside of the oppressive prison of the White Hetero Cis-Male Supremacist Patriarchy.

Also, I wish to apologize for all of the horrible microaggressions, marginalizations, and devalidations towards all BIPOC people that I inflicted during the time that I was a straight white male.

To all my multi-gendered and LGBTQ friends and relations, thank you for your acceptance during this challenging and exhilarating time.

