Good news: Trump is far too dumb to overthrow the Constitution

Matt Kuenzel
2 min readNov 14, 2024


Nine days after the election

I’m feeling better. Trump is far too dumb to overthrow the Constitution.

His idiocy has become obvious as he has announced his cabinet. Peewee Herman will be the new defense secretary. OMG. The military already thoroughly understands what Trump is about and they detest him. Now he has insulted the whole institution from generals to privates to veterans. Is he picking this fight? Does he really believe that he will succeed in corrupting the 250 year old U.S. military and its traditional ethos into an instrument of his will?

If the uproar causes the nominee to be replaced Trump loses. If the Senate declines to confirm him Trump loses. If he is confirmed and becomes the Secretary of Defense he will be smashed like a bug and Trump loses.

Similarly his choices for intelligence chiefs are absurdly ridiculous.

Trump is simply too dumb to foment a successful coup. The Constitution is safe.

Day before the election

Well, I’m very nervous. The polls are inscrutably close: Pennsylvania is exactly the same? 47.8 each. What is probability that precisely the same number of pollees say Trump as Harris?

Anyway Trump hasn’t moderated at all. He is offering people Fascism. Half of the people are with him. Also inscrutable. I think we are potentially relighting the civil war over the same issue: basically the north was doing better economically and socially, it was bigger, it was growing in the direction of the whole western world in trying to end slavery (Great British had banned it 30 years earlier, for instance) while the south was fervently trying to hold onto a whole way of life that was based around exploitation of human beings.

The north gloated and the south seethed with rage. Today we still have a core of people around the old confederacy that make up the republicans and a core of people around the old union that form the democrats. We will see.



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